Caselines: Orders from the Court
Following from recent Orders of Justice Akbarali, recently, Justice Papageorgiou highlighted some key protocols in an endorsement surrounding the decision in Robson v. The Law Society of Ontario, 2023 ONSC 4836.
He ruled:
[22] I make the following orders, which I have referenced from similar Orders made by Akbarali J.
a) All materials shall be uploaded to CaseLines five days before the hearing. The parties must take care to ensure that their materials are uploaded into the correct bundle, i.e. motion materials into the correct motion bundle, pre-trial materials into the pre-trial bundle, etc.
b) All materials shall be hyperlinked, including references to the evidence and law in the factums, and references to exhibits in the affidavits. Links to the law in the factum should link to the portion of the decision on which counsel relies. Affidavits and/or exhibits to affidavits shall not be uploaded as separate documents in CaseLines but rather uploaded as part of a volume in a motion record.
c) All indices must hyperlink to the documents described in them, and all documents must link back to the index of the volume in which they are contained. The parties must confirm that the hyperlinks are working on CaseLines, and specifically that in uploading the documents to CaseLines, the hyperlinks have not been scrubbed.
d) The book of authorities shall consist of a hyperlinked index, and copies of any cases that are not available online.
e) The parties should attempt to agree on costs in advance of the motion, if possible. If not possible, costs outlines shall be uploaded by the outset of the motion, along with any offers to settle, which shall be clearly marked so the hearing judge does not inadvertently view them prior to determining the motion on the merits.
f) The parties shall, when listing on their Motion Confirmation Form the “Materials Filed and to be Relied on at the Hearing”, include CaseLines document numbers and page references for each document.
g) The parties shall come prepared to argue the matter using CaseLines page numbers, and shall confer with each other to ensure all parties are using the same set of page numbers (i.e., either the master or the current). The parties may wish to use the “direct to” feature or presentation mode on CaseLines.
h) The parties shall email a word copy of their factums, and a word copy of their proposed draft order or judgment, to the hearing judge’s assistant in advance of the motion.
i) Once documents have been uploaded to CaseLines, they shall not be removed, even if to correct technical errors, without first confirming with a judge that they may be removed.
j) Unless they are relevant for some reason, affidavits of service shall not be uploaded into CaseLines.
k) The following weblink addresses frequently asked questions in the use of CaseLines: http/
l) The parties are reminded that technical support for CaseLines is available by telephoning 1-800-290-9378.
m) Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the matter not proceeding at the designated time.